Session Schedule Available

Choose from 20 breakout sessions in four time slots, plus five Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions. See the session descriptions below, and access the Official Program Schedule (PDF) to start planning your day.

Keynote Session

Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective™  | Bio

Find the Facts: The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth about Measuring Impact

There’s what is idealistically true and then there’s what is actionably true for measuring impact for training and learning. Uncovering the facts about training and learning’s impact on human and business performance can be difficult but is also possible. Join Kevin M. Yates as he reveals the possibilities with his impact investigation techniques for measuring training and learning’s contribution to human and business performance.

You’ll work alongside the L&D Detective™ and solve a measurement mystery together in this immersive, unconventional keynote impact investigation. You will discover the performance-based approach for measuring impact, examine how to align training and learning with performance metrics for measurable outcomes, identify facts, clues, evidence, and data that reveal impact, examine how performance needs analysis replaces training needs analysis for measuring impact, and discover what is actionable verses aspirational for measuring impact.

Join Kevin as he shares fact-based strategies for measuring impact that are firmly rooted in the truth and most importantly, practices that are immediately actionable.

Educational Breakout Sessions

Artificial Intelligence

Garima Gupta, Founder & CEO, Artha Learning, Inc.  | Bio

Putting AI to Work in Storyline: Integrating ChatGPT into eLearning Modules for Impactful Results

Curious about how generative AI can transform your eLearning modules? Join us in this fun, interactive session, where we'll dive into integrating ChatGPT with Articulate Storyline, putting the power of AI right in the hands of your learner. (You could use the same techniques with any other leading authoring software.)

We will also talk about critical do’s and don’ts while planning to use chatGPT integration in eLearning modules. Some experience playing with chatGPT will be helpful for attendees. Garima will showcase many interesting examples demonstrating how their team has used ChatGPT.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

James Manning, Communications & Training Specialist, Miller Welding Automation  | Bio

Bridging the Gap: AI and Adaptive Learning in Instructional Design

Explore how small instructional design teams can leverage AI and adaptive learning to enhance training impact. You'll learn tactics to create personalized, highly engaging experiences tailored to learners' needs by utilizing LLMs and Low and No-Code tools. Gain insights into building a sustainable adaptive approach that maximizes learner engagement within your current constraints.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Ed Duffy, Assistant Director of Design, NIIT | Bio

Practical AI Use Cases for Creating Performance-Based Learning

In this interactive session, we will share our practical experience and lessons learned in creating performance-based learning using AI tools. We will begin by discussing how AI will disrupt both learning content development and learning design to become the medium for learning delivery. We will then demonstrate specific use cases to show how AI can be used to create a variety of performance-based elearning courses - - including scenario-based learning, and customer service role-plays.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner


Destery Hildenbrand, XR Solution Architect, Intellezy | Bio

Supercharge Your Learning & Development with Augmented Reality

Have you ever wondered how Augmented Reality (AR) can transform your learning and development (L&D) initiatives, but you're unsure where to get started? This session will explore AR technology and how to use it in your blended learning solutions. We'll dive into real-world examples of where organizations are using AR today and how it improves knowledge retention. We'll discuss no-code/low-code AR creation tools, try out working AR examples, and discuss potential challenges you may encounter along the way. You will leave this session with a roadmap for integrating AR and the details needed to start your AR journey today!

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Sarah Phillips, Program Manager, Hemsley Fraser | Bio

Promoting Inclusivity and Accessibility in eLearning Design

When constructing an elearning experience, we often focus on the aesthetics, application of knowledge, use of interactivity, and learning objectives as the arbiters of quality and effectiveness. However, the method of delivery is just as important. If learners struggle with accessibility, language, or the learning environment, it can impact their ability to enjoy the elearning experience. In this session, we'll introduce strategies to help you create accessible content, design for diverse learners, and foster an inclusive environment.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Peter Hybert, PRH Consulting Inc.  |  Bio

The Shortest Path to Performance

“eLearning” often means learners slogging through a bunch of slides, then guessing their way through a multiple choice test. Boring at best. But, authors can create a structure that allows learners to jump right into the application exercises. (If they fail, they have options.) This approach offers several benefits – it is efficient for learners and addresses job-relevant situations (i.e., it teaches capability, not just recall). It also ensures that your content experts view the work from the learner’s perspective. And, this approach could be used to reduce future training development and revision work.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Danielle Wallace, Chief Learning Strategist, Beyond the Sky Custom Learning  | Bio

Can’t Get You Outta My Head: Engagement Techniques for Effective Digital Learning

In this interactive and practical session, you’ll learn the four key techniques that marketers use to make their messages stick and how you can apply them in eLearning. You’ll see how to use visuals to depict your training message. You'll explore how to use emotions to leave a lasting training impact. You’ll see an easy approach to create compelling text. You’ll examine the pitfalls of humor and how to successfully use it for effectiveness. You’ll examine both marketing and training examples in order to apply the concepts to your own digital learning solutions. You’ll leave with relevant, action-oriented steps!

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Amy O'Donnell Lueth, Design Director, Maestro  | Bio

Kendra Hutchings, Graphic Designer, Maestro  | Bio

Design Hacks: Five Tips to Do More in Articulate Rise

Articulate Rise is our favorite authoring tool to create responsive eLearning. While Rise makes it easy for anyone to develop their own courses, we’ve found ways to push the limits and enhance the visual design. In this immersive session, we’re stretching the capabilities of Rise and teaching you to do the same! Two of Maestro’s learning designers will bring an eLearning course to life in real-time transforming a canned, cookie-cutter course into an elevated, on-brand, visually beautiful learning experience.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Kassy LaBorie, Principal Consultant, Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC  | Bio

Virtual Victors: Navigating the Toughest Virtual Training Scenarios

Become equipped with the skills and strategies needed to conquer the most challenging situations that arise in virtual training environments. From technological mishaps to disruptive participants and large audience management, this workshop will empower you to emerge as a “virtual victor,” capable of navigating any scenario with confidence and ease. Throughout this dynamic workshop, through real-life examples, captivating stories, and interactive group discussions, we’ll deepen your understanding and application of the strategies presented. Let’s unlock the secrets to virtual training success and empower you to lead impactful and engaging sessions, no matter the challenge.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner


Mark Lassoff, Chief Skills Officer, Skillprints | Bio

The Video Producer's Primer

The session begins by demystifying the role of a video producer, elucidating key responsibilities, workflows, and skillsets required. The workshop continues with a comprehensive review of the three critical stages of video creation: Pre-production, production, and post-production. Participants are familiarized with the nuts and bolts of learning video producer's job, from initial concept development and planning to filming and editing. This well-rounded approach provides a holistic view of the entire video production process, preparing instructional designers for the multifaceted role they often have to undertake.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Samuel Apata, Senior eLearning Developer, Starbucks | Bio

Storyline and Vyond: A Winning Combination

This session will help you learn how to combine Storyline and Vyond for eLearning development. In 50 minutes you’ll learn one way to build custom videos for use in Articulate Storyline. This presentation will also highlight Vyond and Storyline's new AI tools.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Brandon Schawel, eLearning Developer, The American College of Surgeons  | Bio

Julie Cwik, Manager of Instructional Design, The American College of Surgeons  | Bio

Dynamic Interactions Using Variables in Storyline 360

In this presentation, we delve into the powerful world of variables and their application in crafting dynamic and engaging elearning interactions in Articulate Storyline 360. Through practical examples, attendees will gain insights into using variables to provide personalized feedback and guide learner progress, creating adaptive scenarios that respond dynamically to learner decisions, and utilizing variables to incentivize, or “gamify”, elearning content. By the end of the presentation, participants will have a solid understanding of how variables can be leveraged to transform static elearning content into interactive and immersive experiences that drive engagement, retention, and learning outcomes.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Elizabeth (Pawlicki) Kuhlmann, Senior Learning Consultant, Yukon Learning  | Bio

Ten Common Accessability Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

In this session, we'll dissect ten common mistakes in accessible course development, highlighting the needs of learners and exploring challenges and barriers learners encounter when taking courses. You'll learn practical strategies to ensure inclusivity while gaining valuable insights to refine your eLearning approach and create courses that cater to every learner.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Ron Price, Chief Learning Officer, Yukon Learning  | Bio

Getting the Most Out of Storyline 360: Time- and Effort-Saving Secrets

In this session, you'll be introduced to many of the best tips that will help you use Storyline more effectively. You'll look at new features that have been added to help speed up your development processes without making your content look blandly identical. We'll explore custom default settings, format and animation painters, media library, team slides, and other time savers that can reduce the number of steps in creating new slides and interactions. Even if you've been using Storyline for years, by the end of this session you'll be able to use this familiar tool more efficiently.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate


Betty Dannewitz, Founder, CEO, ifyouaskbetty, LLC  | Bio

Start the Podcast! A Low-Cost, Efficient, Portable, and Personalized Way to Deliver Training

Podcasting provides a simple, low-investment option for informal or casual learning. Podcasting is an easy way to provide and consume content, because the format easily fits into our busy lives. Organizations are adopting podcasts every day to deliver important information to their employees. In this session, we will discuss podcasting in learning development. We will explore how podcasts are being used today and what the benefits of podcasting are for your organization. We will recognize popular podcast formats and brainstorm podcast ideas for your organization. You will leave with steps to get started with your podcast in your organization, today.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Hadiya Nuriddin, Author, Founder, Duets Training  | Bio

Quality by Design: Integrating Quality Management into L&D

Design a proactive quality management system and integrate in L&D workflow that supports everything from setting standards to stakeholder engagement and utilizing resources for continuous improvement. Gain insights into defining organizational quality standards and ensuring stakeholder support. Develop a blueprint for a quality management system that promotes excellence.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Intermediate

Jazmin Webster, President-Elect, ATD St. Louis Chapter  | Bio

Applying Communities of Practice in eLearning

eLearning is often thought of as an individualized activity. When individuals interact with eLearning content, having support can supplement the learning experience, allowing the individuals to connect with others that are also learning the information. A format for fostering connection is via the communities of practice model. This session will provide attendees with the foundational elements of building communities of practice in support of eLearning activities. Attendees will identify opportunities to incorporate communities of practice into real-world examples of eLearning experiences.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Amanda Archer, Director, Learning Experience, Advocate Health | Bio

How LMS Governance Can Help You Clean Up Your LMMess

An LMS can become a dumping ground for anything that needs to be tracked. Subject Matter Experts want their content for their audience, even when similar content already exists. They want the learning assigned to a specific group of people with no communication plan. This creates an LMMess! In this session, you will learn how creating, implementing and getting buy-in for LMS governance can ensure you have the right content that is up to date and relevant, can be found by your learners, and will be assigned to the appropriate audience with clear communications.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Ana Maria Barella, Instructional Designer and L&D Specialist  | Bio

Navigating Leadership Dynamics: Systemic Team Coaching in Instructional Design Collaboration

Struggling with navigating complex stakeholder dynamics in instructional design and development collaboration? Discover the power of systemic coaching principles in this transformative session. Learn practical strategies for building trust, aligning goals, fostering innovation with stakeholders, and overcoming challenges. Through real-world case studies and interactive activities, gain actionable insights to tackle project complexities effectively. Whether you're a seasoned instructional designer or just starting out, this session equips you with the tools and techniques to elevate your leadership skills and drive project success. Join us to unlock the secrets of effective leadership and achieve greater impact in your instructional design endeavors.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner

Jenny Fedullo, Director, Learning Experience, d’Vinici Interactive | Bio

Beth Buchanan, Senior Instructional Designer, d’Vinici Interactive  | Bio

Nicholas Strozza, CEO, Interpro Translation Solutions  | Bio

eLearning Translation: Creating Linguistically Inclusive eLearning

Many organizations struggle to navigate accessibility and inclusivity in eLearning, especially for linguistically diverse audiences. Learn the critical aspects of localizing eLearning content, such as translation, cultural adaptation, multimedia localization, technical compatibility, and quality assurance. Also gain the best tips on designing courses with translation in mind and cover the entire translation process with best practices to help ensure cultural appropriateness. The crucial message to take away is prioritizing accurate translation and localization will not only enhance accessibility but also foster a more inclusive learning environment for all learners.

At the end of this session, you will be able to

Level: Beginner